Governor types: - Centrifugal Governor and Inertia Governor

Governor is a device used to maintain the speed of an engine within specified limits when the engine works in varying of different loads. Based on the source of controlling force, the governors can be classified into two types. They are centrifugal governors and inerti…

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What is a Refrigerant and desired properties of a refrigerant ?

A refrigerant is a substance or mixture, usually a fluid, used in a heat pump and refrigeration cycle that can extract heat from another body or substance. Ice, cold water, cold air etc. can be treated a refrigerants. Desired properties of Refrigerants: 1. Vapor densi…

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Electron Beam Machining

Electron Beam Machining (EBM) is a thermal process. Here a steam of high speed electrons impinges on the work surface so that the kinetic energy of electrons is transferred to work producing intense heating. Depending upon the intensity of heating the work piece can m…

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Electroslag Welding

Electroslag welding (ESW) and its applications are similar to electrogas welding. The main difference is that the arc is started between the electrode tip and the bottom of the part to be welded. Flux is added, which then melts by the heat of the arc. After the molten …

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Weldability: Factor Affecting Weld Ability

The ease with which welding of a give material can be done without producing any defect is called Weldability. Weldability can also be defined as the capability of a metal to be welded under the fabrication conditions imposed satisfactorily in the intended surface. Th…

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Properties of Fluids

Understanding the properties of fluids is essential to Analyse their behavior in working conditions. In this article the fluid properties namely mass density, specific weight, specific volume, specific gravity, viscosity, vapor pressure, compressibility and surface te…

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Characteristics of Good Boiler

A good boiler should have the following characteristics: The boiler should have maximum steam generation rate with minimum fuel consumption. It can be started or stopped quickly. Its initial cost, running and maintenance cost should not be high. Its erection time shou…

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