Bernoulli’s Principle and Equation

During the 17 th century, Daniel Bernoulli investigated the forces present in a moving fluid, derived an equation, and named it Bernoulli’s equation. The below image shows one of many forms of Bernoulli’s equation. The Bernoulli equation gives an approximate equation…

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Thermit Welding

Thermit welding is the joining process in which heat required for melting and joining of components is obtained due to the exothermic chemical reaction. When ignition powder is initiated using the matchbox, the heat generated due to the burning of igniting powder is u…

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Factors Influence CI Engine cycle

The following are the factors that influence the compressed ignition (CI) engine cycle: Non-constant pressure combustion of the fuel Dissociation Blow-down losses Pumping losses 1. Non-constant pressure combustion of the fuel: In the basic…

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Gear Terminology

The following are the critical dimensions and geometries concerned with toothed gear: Pitch Circle : A pitch circle is an apparent circle in which two gears can be taken like smooth cylinders rolling without friction. Addendum Circle : The addendum circle is the …

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MRP Terminology and Lot Sizing Techniques

Material Requirement Planning (MRP) is a computer-based inventory management technique for determining the quantity and timing of acquisitions of dependent demand items needed to satisfy master schedule requirements. The Terminology used in MRP is: Dependent Deman…

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Brake System Classification

The purpose of having a brake system is used in automobiles to slow down or stop the vehicle by converting its kinetic energy into heat energy. Classification of Brake system: 1.Based on mode of actuation: The foot pedal operates the foot brake (also called the m…

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Components of Roads and their Functions

The highway or the road structure must be designed carefully for the traffic load to be carried, physical and geological features, climatic conditions of the locality, and various other factors that would affect the stability and utility of the highway roads. For desi…

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