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Governor types: - Centrifugal Governor and Inertia Governor

Governor is a device used to maintain the speed of an engine within specified limits when the engine works in varying of different loads. Based on the source of controlling force, the governors can be classified into two types. They are centrifugal governors and inerti…

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What is a Refrigerant and desired properties of a refrigerant ?

A refrigerant is a substance or mixture, usually a fluid, used in a heat pump and refrigeration cycle that can extract heat from another body or substance. Ice, cold water, cold air etc. can be treated a refrigerants. Desired properties of Refrigerants: 1. Vapor densi…

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Electron Beam Machining

Electron Beam Machining (EBM) is a thermal process. Here a steam of high speed electrons impinges on the work surface so that the kinetic energy of electrons is transferred to work producing intense heating. Depending upon the intensity of heating the work piece can m…

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Electroslag Welding

Electroslag welding (ESW) and its applications are similar to electrogas welding. The main difference is that the arc is started between the electrode tip and the bottom of the part to be welded. Flux is added, which then melts by the heat of the arc. After the molten …

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Weldability: Factor Affecting Weld Ability

The ease with which welding of a give material can be done without producing any defect is called Weldability. Weldability can also be defined as the capability of a metal to be welded under the fabrication conditions imposed satisfactorily in the intended surface. Th…

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Properties of Fluids

Understanding the properties of fluids is essential to Analyse their behavior in working conditions. In this article the fluid properties namely mass density, specific weight, specific volume, specific gravity, viscosity, vapor pressure, compressibility and surface te…

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Characteristics of Good Boiler

A good boiler should have the following characteristics: The boiler should have maximum steam generation rate with minimum fuel consumption. It can be started or stopped quickly. Its initial cost, running and maintenance cost should not be high. Its erection time shou…

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Shell-mold Casting Process

Shell-mold casting process is also known as shell molding process, is an expendable mold casting process that uses a resin covered sand to form the mold. In shell-mold casting process the mold is made like a shell i.e., the thin or hollow mold is used so that weight o…

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Internal Combustion Engines: Introduction and Classification

The internal combustion engine is an engine in which the combustion of a fuel occurs with an oxidizer (usually air) in a combustion chamber that is an integral part of the working fluid flow circuit. In an internal combustion engine, the expansion of the high temperatu…

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Cutting Fluids: Functions, Properties

Various functions of cutting fluids are Cutting fluid cools the workpiece and tool by carrying away the heat generated during machining. It acts as lubricant at the friction zones, hence tool life increases. As friction get reduced, the forces and electricity power co…

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Jigs and Fixtures: Their Purpose

Jigs and fixtures are essential work-holding and tool holding devices in industries. These devices facilitate clamping of workpiece on the machine tool in correct relationship with the cutting tool. Jigs and fixtures are often used in interchangeably and sometimes in p…

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Comparison of Heat and Work

Some of the similarities between heat and work are described under. Heat and work are both transient phenomena. Systems never possess heat or work, but either or both cross the system boundary when a system undergoes a change of state. Both heat and work are boundary …

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Liquid Fuels Over Solid Fuels

The advantages of liquid fuels over solid fuels are as follows: Requirement of less space for storage Higher calorific value Easy handling and transportation Better control of consumption by using valves and number of burners Absence of danger from spontaneous combust…

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Overview of Psychrometric Chart

A Psychrometric chart can graphically represents the thermodynamic properties of air-water vapor mixture. Standard psychrometric charts are bounded by the dry-bulb temperature line (X – axis) and the vapor pressure or humidity ratio (Y – axis). The Left Hand Side of th…

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Liquid-cooling System in Reciprocating Engine (Piston Engine)

In a liquid-cooling system, water or other solutions flow through the water jacket around the cylinder and cylinder head to absorb the heat. The hot liquid coming out of the water jacket is cooled in the radiator, where circulated air absorbs the heat from the radiato…

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Newton’s Law of Gravitation

Newton along with his three   laws of motion , Newton published the law of gravitation in 1687. According to Sir Isaac Newton, “every particle of matter in the universe attracts every other particle with a force that is directly proportional to the product of the mas…

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Newton’s Laws of Motion

The problems of mechanics can be solved by  Newton’s laws of motion . The three laws proposed by Sir Isaac Newton, described as follows. Newton’s First Law of Motion: Newton’s first law of motion states that every object will remain at rest or in uniform  motion in a s…

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Pascal’s Law

Pascal’s law states that “pressure applied to an enclosed fluid is transmitted undiminished to every portion of the fluid and the walls of the containing vessel”. A small force (F 1 ) is applied to piston with a small area (A 1 ) produces a much large force F 2  on …

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Energy: Introduction and Types

In physics,   energy   is defined as a property of objects which can be transferred from one object to another object or converted into different forms of energy. Energy is the capacity to do work, generating heat and emitting light. Heat is the ability to change the…

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Law of Conservation of Energy

Energy cannot be created or destroyed, but it can only change from one form to another. The law of conservation of energy  does not distinguish between valid and wasted  energy . The law neglects ‘losses’ from the closed system into the environment. In an energy conser…

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