Comparison of Electrical, Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems

Comparison of electrical, hydraulic and pneumatic systems can be done in aspects like energy source, energy storage, energy cost, distribution system, linear actuators, rotary actuators and controllable force. Aspect
1 Energy source Usually from an outside supplier Electric motor or diesel-driven Electric motor or diesel-driven
2 Energy storage Limited (batteries) Limited (accumulator) Good (reservoir)
3 Distribution system Excellent, with minimal loss Limited basically a local facility Good. It can be treated as a plant-wide service
4 Energy cost Low cost Moderate cost High cost
5 Linear actuators Short motion via a solenoid. Otherwise, via mechanical conversion Cylinders. Very high force Cylinders. Medium force
6 Rotary actuators AC and DC motors. Good control of DC motors. AC motors cheap Low speed. Good control. Can be stalled Widespread range. Accurate speed control difficult
7 Controllable force Possible with solenoid & DC motors complicated by the need for cooling Controllable high force Controllable medium force.
8 Problems Dangers from electric shock Leakage is dangerous and unsightly. Fire hazard Noisy

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